I can do it, too!

No, this isn't one of those tests like "what type of plant are you?" ... it's the results of a real, live IQ test!!!

"Congratulations, Roger!
Your IQ score is 129

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each set of those questions, which reveals the way your brain processes information.

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Word Warrior.

This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results."

I didn't know "Word Warrior" was an intellectual Type. I also question that whole "visionary" thing.


I'm a slow learner...

Right now I'm enjoying a cigarette, my first in a few days. Why did I start up again? I just saw a reactionary commercial with people blowing bubbles instead of smoking, one that ended up proclaiming how great a world without tobacco would be.

I'd never before grasped that the non-smoking people actually want to drive big tobacco out of business, that they want no one to ever smoke again, that they are so reactionary and smug.

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, that it kills, that it's a miserable habit. What I object to is this blatant attempt to proscribe someone's behavior, to force one group's viewpoint on everyone else, to legislate opposing views out of business.

There's no good reason to smoke, but it really pisses me off that people are actively trying to remove it as an option. This absolutist view, this reactionary trampling of civil rights, really pisses me off. If you don't like it, fine. I support you, but I can't fall in line with taking "not liking" to "it should be illegal for you to do it."

...flick...ahhh -- Aaron (TWOP)

Today's cool link What a great idea!

Nothing Clever


I've been thinking for the past few days of interesting, involving topics to blog about. Today, instead, I'm adding this entry:

I've owned five dogs in the last ten years.
Little Mister : Shar-Pei, died while I was on a business trip, horrifying my sister.
Peabody: German Shepherd mix, bought from animal shelter. Died within a week of parvo. Never larger than my hand.
Boutros: Free replacement dog, taken from a horse stable. He'd been living in a hole under a sheet of tin, so I figured he'd be both healthy and strong. He died within a month (probably parvo). Very smart pup. *Very* smart.
Wooster: Free gift dog from Vet. A woman found a Shar-Pei living in the Ballona wetlands but couldn't keep him. He looked just like Little Mister, but hated other dogs rather than other people. After getting stomach cancer I had him put down. He died in my arms.
Minardi: Free dog from my vet, who felt I deserved a break. He's clever, and is the only dog I've had who lies on his back on my bed. Very rude looking.

Somewhere, Toby and Phoebe may still be around. My ex has them. Cocker Spaniel brother and sister.

First Day of Spring

Well. There's another season shot all to hell.

I usually do something celebratory during the first day of Spring, but not this year.

No money, little interest.

Ya basta

The attack in Spain was all over the news yesterday, and it gave me the chills to see two million people out on their day of mourning. I also reazlized that, unlike the 9-11 tragedy, this one made me want to be a Spainard.

There were a few, but not many, flags in evidence. To show their grief some of the cars had black ribbons tied to the antennae, and I really wish we'd done that instead of suddenly marketing American flags that fit in car windows. I like it when a country isn't so full of itself.

Hundreds of thousands of mourners, some with black ribbons painted on their faces or the palms of their hands. There were some Spanish flags, and a few of those had the added black ribbons as well, but it didnt' seem to me to be as ego-driven as Americans usually are.

I'm not knocking the US. I'm just unsure that I'm suited to live in the greatest country in the world. I've always felt mroe comfortable in ones I've visited who aren't on top and who are content with their place in the world.


I had a very enjoyable breakfast the other day with one of my vegetarian friends. We talked of many things, including bovine growth hormones, rat urine and feces, Wiffle ball bats, students and the Internet, and the evident cost-savings those who grow cattle gain by feeding spinal cords to their livestock. I wonder how 4H feels about that (and, without looking it up, I'm so smart I already know that stands for Heart, Hand, Home, and something else that starts with an aitch). I had a ms corrected once, by the way, by a teacher who didn't like my use of the word aitch.

Anyway, so today I learned that some five thousand people die each year from food-born causes, which is a lot. There's a lot more outcry about that, though, than there is about my pet tragedy, one that kills six times that number. Maybe people yell because many more get sick, and food poisioning is no picnic.

Still, that's only about as many deaths as the 25-35 year olds rack up each year killing themselves. Or, the 35-45 year olds. Nobody cares much about suicide, something I think by definition is 100% preventable. I also believe that suicide and its causes are much more tragic than death by salmonella.

Also today the CDC released some numbers, citing poor eating habits and lack of exercise as causing about four hundred thousand deaths each year, slightly less than the number caused by smoking. Eliminating the super-size fries should help there.

Missed Opportunity

Quite sleepy ... awoke after three hours sleep (less than I need) to handle some morning appts and I can't wait to return to bed.

My understanding of the Maslow hierarchical pyramid tells me that it's only after solving our needs for food, clothing, and shelter can we begin to worry about love or purpose or what the hell to do with our leisure time. I was thinking...

Our government, in a misdirected attempt to attempt Darwin, will provide Gov't housing. Personally, I think that program is a disaster and would be better served by private interests, but others (mostly gang members) love public housing. Uncle Sam will also give away food, cheese most often, to keep people from starving. I've eaten that cheese, and prefer Ramen.

But ... and I bet you saw this coming ... I've never heard of a government clothing program (other than for prisons). How cool would it be if there was government clothing? We would soon recognize the blue plaid design, or whatever they came up with, as government-supplied clothing and I have no doubt it would be an instant punk fashion.

I love the idea of government clothing, much more than their attempts at housing or feeding! How was this crucial part of the necessities of life overlooked? Would their be any more shame in wearing those clothes than there is in living in the ugliest building in the city?

Missed Opportunity

Quite sleepy ... awoke after three hours sleep (less than I need) to handle some morning appts and I can't wait to return to bed.

My understanding of the Maslow hierarchical pyramid tells me that it's only after solving our needs for food, clothing, and shelter can we begin to worry about love or purpose or what the hell to do with our leisure time. I was thinking...

Our government, in a misdirected attempt to attempt Darwin, will provide Gov't housing. Personally, I think that program is a disaster and would be better served by private interests, but others (mostly gang members) love public housing. Uncle Sam will also give away food, cheese most often, to keep people from starving. I've eaten that cheese, and prefer Ramen.

But ... and I bet you saw this coming ... I've never heard of a government clothing program (other than for prisons). How cool would it be if there was government clothing? We would soon recognize the blue plaid design, or whatever they came up with, as government-supplied clothing and I have no doubt it would be an instant punk fashion.

I love the idea of government clothing, much more than their attempts at housing or feeding! How was this crucial part of the necessities of life overlooked? Would their be any more shame in wearing those clothes than there is in living in the ugliest building in the city?

Spam of the Day

Don't know what to make of this. My e-mail client strips some HTML stuff, so maybe there was a link, but how it could relate to the text is a mystery I will never know. My guess is they want me to have a bigger penis or sell me some pills...

"on a continual basis Munro told Sydney radio station 2UE Like so much of the hype that has surrounded the film over the past year Daly hit a 100-foot bunker shot within 4 inches to set up his winning birdie. In the trash, and in separate searches of the firm's medical waste Myers is holding all the cards programmable event reminders, a map of the ship,"

Almost makes me want to see how the story ends...


I was driving around today, to and from a lunch date, and enjoying what I had to call perfect weather. It was as if I wasn't in air at all, the temperature was that comfortable. No breeze, no smog, nearly-blue skies and me in my convertible.

Not to repeat it, but it was just perfect out. Some would say "gorgeous."

Then I noticed that 3/4 of the other cars are driving around with their windows up. I thought of asking one of them, "Not to be rude, but how much better does the day have to get before you'd roll down your window?"

This is LA. We pay tons of extra money to live here because of the climate. Are so many here just because of their jobs? I'd hate to think that so many people are putting labor over existence. Why would anyone choose to live here and hide from the only thing that drew anyone here in the first place?

I can hear all the "I like the quiet" or "I want to listen to music instead of the sounds of the city" people now. And for them I sigh and offer my pity. How sad that you want to insulate yourself from the world you live in. That's the kind of thing that made me toss my cell phone.


I voted...provisionally. Although I've not missed an election since becoming old enough to vote, the Man is trying to stifle my voice. As the poll-workers said, this has happened to others, too, but I still want to take it personally.

I blame it on the DNC and RNC. Since I'm non-partisan, they hate me. Back when I registered, it was called "Declined to state," which I liked more. More like "my secret" or "none of your bee's wax."

Again, I failed to get my minimum daily allotment of bee pollen. When will I learn?

I didn't vote for everything because I don't know enough to make intelligent decisions. I did vote for prop 56, though, just because the anti-prop 56 ads insulted me. Like that's a good reason. I think my inner core of bitterness is becoming too noticeable.

Who the hell knows about judges? It's been too long since I've been arrested. It was easier when I was getting repeatedly popped for one thing or another and had "visited" many of them.