Political Primer

A couple facts:

If everyone in the US who is eligible to vote did vote, the House of Representatives would stay just about the same (assuming that everyone voted for their registered party) because that's how the districts are drawn. **cough cough**gerrymandering**cough cough**

About forty percent of the eligible voters are expected to vote Tuesday.

I know a lot of people yell about the way the districts have been drawn. I'd be upset, too, if this was a new thing or a Carl Rove invention, but I learned the word when I was about thirteen, which was during Johnson's administration. I have a hunch it predates even those old and dusty days.

Face it: the party in power will always redraw the districts in a way more beneficial to its interests. It's supposed to, and is one of the reasons both parties struggle so hard to win. What we can do is vote. Given the predicted turnout, whichever side has more people show up to vote will win, and there's quite a lot of built-in slack.