I Wakened to a Wet Christmas

I had a lot planned for today, mostly because I've done so little so far and pushed everything to the last minute. What I hadn't planned on was having to perform these tasks in the wet, but I think it will pass.

Some other developments, however, may prove even more noteworthy.

Yesterday, when I wasn't busy losing my cell phone, I was convinced my clutch is slipping. Maybe all this hill driving has taken its toll and has simply exposed a pre-existing condition or maybe it's caused it, it doesn't matter. What does matter is I've lost over half the faith I had in my automobile.

The good news is it's a repairable problem, given money.

I was hoping today to pop back to my home and finish up my Christmas shopping, but I was upset yesterday when I wasn't able to fasten the top on my car. It wasn't a big deal, but if this rain continues, it may be. The good news is that my distress over not being able to secure the top was washed away when I noticed my phone isn't anywhere I expect it to be.

The rate at which I can waste money concerns me. At least I'm not kicking myself over buying myself some unnecessary Christmas present.

Not yet, anyway!