
Given my unexpected success last year keeping my resolution, this year I'm upping the ante and, after literally minutes of thought, have come up with some for 2007.

Resolved: I could stand to lose a few pounds, or inches around my waist, but I'm not the only one. It's difficult to find any list of resolutions that doesn't contain losing weight, so this year I resolve to put my dog on a diet. If it works for him, I may consider doing it to myself. I'll measure his waist tomorrow if I can find it, but a few months ago he weighed sixty pounds.

Resolved: In keeping with last year's only two meals at nationally advertised fast food places, this year I resolve to eat at only one nationally advertised (or, publicly traded) food place a month. No more Denny's or Ihop. Until I find gainful employment this should be a cinch, since I think I can only afford to eat out anywhere a few times a year.

Resolved: Unless I change my mind, I'd like to learn morse code this year. I had ten weeks of instruction back in Junior High, and it may be time to brush up. I doubt I'll be building a radio and talking to people, but it might come in handy if I get imprisoned or buried in rubble and have nothing but water pipes to connect me to civilization.

Resolved: Everyone I know is pretty selfish, but it's only an issue when their selfishness comes between them and my own personal enjoyment. Since I can't do anything about anyone else's self-obsession, nothing to make them willingly do anything more for me, I may as well try changing myself. The wisest piece of advice I ever ignored was "you don't have to like it, you just have to do it," and I resolve this year to spend more time doing things I don't like. It would be a stretch to say that I do much of anything I don't like right now, but enough is enough. I'm getting nowhere wasting my days listening to music (right now I'm listening to the Grateful Dead's 1976 New Year's performance - a free stream of a newly released CD), reading, wondering about shit, and watching TV and cruising the Internet, so I think I'll start small and resolve to spend five hours a week doing things I don't want to do. That sounds like a lot, so I may have to cut back to three.
I may be well on my way to being a better man. Especially if I also add at least one picture a week to my postings!