Copying the Meme of the Day

eyI've seen this on a few blogs, so I may as well answer it, too.

"Ten Things I've Done That You Probably Haven't"

10. Attended an historic, iconic boxing match.

9. Gambled in the casino in Monte Carlo.

8. Burned down an outhouse.

7. Brought momentary hope to a sobbing twelve year old junkie hooker, who hugged me in gratitude.

6. Was a Master Concilor in DeMolay.

5. Rescued a pelican that was stuck in the middle of a four lane road.

4. Dropped LSD in my eyeball.

3. Was unconscious for over three hours.

2. Took a two week, ten thousand mile train trip around the US.

1. Was commited to a mental health facility.

(now, onto writing remarks in "more")

It occurs to me that there isn't one, single way to write. No one would confuse Toni Morrisson's work with that of Tim O'Brien, or Faulkner with Hunter Thompson. I need to stop thinking that there's one way, and only one way, to write.

On the other hand, as far as traditional publishers are concerned, there is a "way we write now."

Last night I went to a reading by Rob Roberge, one of my teachers, who's also a pretty good friend. His book was recently published and after reading a few excerpts his band played. Then, another band, whose drummer was in that class with me. I was surrounded by talented people, all of whom were accomplished.

I had little to add to any of the discussions, but mentioned to Rob that I guess I'd see if I could rack up five or six rejections by June. My writing isn't perfect, but I'm not sure anyone's is. I don't know how to write a novel, but I will say I think I can write a paragraph better than most. No, not better than most people interested in writing, but better than average Joe.

I'm continually struck by how many people can write well. Another teacher once told me that perseverance, as much as talent, got people published. I'm not convinced anything I write will ever fully please me, and I'm not even sure if what I write is even all that good, but it's what I'm focusing on doing now. As I've often said, I can't sing or dance, I can't paint like my sisters, but I think I have a way with words.

And maybe one that's good enough to entertain some people.

(And how weird is it that I thougth of Hunter Thompson, out of everybody, on the day he shot himself? I swear I didn't know when I used him as an example!)


Janine said...

Have you read The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin? I swear, Russ - this guy - he writes just like you. You NEED to read this book - and then you will see. Just writing like you write is FANTASTIC - you don't need to write like anyone else.