Very Important Day

According to a local news channel, nine is the second luckiest number in Asian cultures, something I don't think we have in the West. As far as I know, we have seven as a lucky number, and that's it.

Anyway, today's one of those "special" days (9-9-9) that rarely show up and it seems to me we've had quite a few of them lately. Between that and ones involving time, it feels like we get at least one of them a year, but I think a lot of that is lucky chance involving the end of the millenium.

Some people, I guess, make a fuss out of these things. 9-9-99, 8-8-88, and the like were all mentioned, briefly, then passed. I would give these special days a lot more credit if they were memorable, but sad to say I honestly don't remember anything about any of them now that they're gone.

Which is to say, I couldn't for the life of me tell you what I did or what heppened on any of them. I think I was aware of them all and maybe even honored them with a tiny celebration, but nothing of any lasting value.

It's my fault, I guess, since I should have had some wonderful, noteworthy celebration for them all. The days, themselves, aren't memorable: it's what we do with them.