Filler Entry

Each day I think of many things to blog about and, following my plan, wait until late in the day to create the entry. Then, when it's finally time for me to blog, I'm involved with something else or otherwise prevented.

Today's no exception, but there's a little difference. I'm filled to my back teeth with things I wish to say, but they're all things I've been told not to blog about. Not that they're necessarily wrong, just that they're not very interesting, not even to me. The good blogs, the ones I enjoy, never have entries like the ones I envision.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.


Dick Wazinia said...

I was looking for a picture of a foosa. That's a predator relative of the mongoose, dipshit. The last thing I wanted was your gasbag website; page after page of your moronic insights. Don't hijack cool-sounding words for things you don't know about to lead people off their searches. Cornhole.