One Thing We Do for Love

There may be some evidence the recession is less than I thought.

Early each weekend morning, maybe just to test my dog's alertness, someone will sneak over and drop a flyer or business card on my porch advertising some service I not only don't want but can't afford. Usually these are for lawn care of home repair, but menus from local restaurants show up as well.

I've thought, more than once, about taking that as a job, but since I don't speak Spanish I can't make any progress with those doing the delivering.

This morning, however, I got something I've never seen before: a missing kitty notice.



Someone, and I don't think they hired anyone to deliver these, evidently walked up and down the street alerting people to their missing cat. It's always heartbreaking to see these, but they're usually just stapled to telephone poles, and what makes me the saddest is that I never learn what happened.

This leads me to fear the worst, but that's something else again.

What struck me immediately about this particular flyer is that it was in color. I can imagine easily the frantic mood that led to the kitty's owner deciding to let everyone know about the missing pet, and having returned one or two during my life, it's easy to imagine the emotional reunion they're hoping for.

What I thought about more, though, was the expense of printing up, say, one, two, or more hundreds of color flyers. It would take a lot of time, most of a night, maybe, if it was done at home and the flyers didn't look to have been run off at Kinkos, but I don't know.

I don't know if that's a sign of the amount of love the owners have for their pet ("The hell with the cost, they need to see her coloring and what she looks like!") or something else. Many moderns cannot even think of pictures as anything but color. They might only have a color printer, which is likely, or they may even work somewhere that gives them a discount on toner.

At any rate, it does show one reason why Honey may have received her name, and I hope that she's already back in her loving home.