We Have a Loser...

It's entirely possible that my dog, Minardi, just got in the first fight of his life. Against a cat.

!@(loserdog.jpg:L120 popimg: "2ndPlace")

He seems pretty happy about it, though.

I wasn't around, of course, but he was out in the backyard, no doubt minding his own business or patrolling his territory. The cat encroached and scratched him up pretty badly. His eye is all red (not that you can see any detail in pics from my phone), and he has some mean scratches on his snout.

!@(loser1.jpg:L120 popimg: "lost2cat")

I was worried at first. I washed his face, but was relieved to see that he was more eager to go back out there than he was to be treated. He may have gotten his ass whomped, but I guess it didn't hurt as much as I feared. He may have lost, but it seems unlikely he learned any important life lessons.

And in that regard he may be more like me than I like.


Voyaging said...

Reminds me of that line from 'Fargo'--"You should see the other guy."

russ said...

That's one of my favorite movies! (For sure)  I have family in Minnesota, who talk (and act) much the same way, so, for me, it's personal!

I got my regular, old digital camera to work, and I hope to add a new pic today! Now you can see dried blood from the scratches around his eye!

He's obviously *my* dog. We both have a lifetime 0-1 record in fights.

(He's fine, btw)

Voyaging said...

Yah. One of my favorites too.