All About Trust

I've tried, but I can't say too much funny about this incident today. It was just so damn cute...

Next door, there's a family (again). The husband was away for awhile (for the previous owners, it was the wife who left, I think), but he's back now and their family is complete. There's him, his wife, his older daughter, and two darling twin girls whom I guess to be somewhere around four or five.

These twins dress alike, and I can't tell them apart, not that it would much matter since I don't know their names. They know mine, however, and nearly every time I go out to my car they tap on their window, call out to me, and wave. I doubt it's the high point of their day, but they often act very excited.

I often see them in their frontyard, playing on the swingset and, being kids, they always want to know what I'm up to, where I'm going, or are eager to show me whatever it is they're doing, have acquired, or plan to do next. I don't know much about kids, but they're always asking questions and I try my best to answer.

Today, however, was just great. I was heading out to the store and their dad was with them in the lawn, talking on his phone. He may have been trying to get some work because he works for the studios and is still suffering from the strike last year that I still believe hurt all the "regular" people while leaving the writers and producers pretty much unchanged.

Anyway, one of the girls called me over to the fence to show me something, and I obliged.

She then proceeded to open her mouth, pull down her lower lip, and show me where her two lower front teeth were coming in. It was, of course, a momentous event for her and her twin had to show me how only one of her teeth was coming in. They'd both lost the same two, and I was tickled pink that they shared this big deal with me.

Or, maybe it wasn't a big deal to them, just "news."

I have no idea how old kids have to get before they stop doing shit like that, but it's sort of a shame that we lose that innocence at some point in our lives. Adults, unless we know them very well, don't go around showing us their scars, but kids are trusting, interested, and full of wonder. They don't filter nearly as much as I do as an adult, and I'm really glad these two are right next door.

I like them so much it never even occurs to me to let them in on the big secret that one day they'll fall in love with the cutest guy ever who will then break their heart and they'll feel worse than they ever will again.

But, who knows? Maybe they'll be spared that and do the dumping themselves. All I know is I hope nothing ever pulls them rudely from their world, not for a long time.