Dinner of Champions

The other day I was looking over some web page detailing the ten worst things to eat and was not surprised to see that I'd eaten all of them at one time or other. The list included all the usual suspects, everything from sodium nitrate to trans fats, so it was pretty boring.

They did mention MSG, which no doubt thrilled the Accent people, and mentioned that if you wanted a little more taste to add salt. Which they also mentioned as a bad thing to ingest, further down the list. Sugar was on there, too, in a number of forms, but the list was mostly all those man made things added to preserve freshness, synthetic sweeteners, and Olestra, that fat-reducing thing that causes anal leakage.

I got so upset with my diet after reading that article that I decided to have a simple, healthful dinner.

My intentions were good, but even after eating six carrots, I can't say that I was satisfied. Yes, they were grown by my sister so were probably organic and as fresh as could be, but, somehow, I wanted more not very long at all after devouring them.

Yes, it's more than most people on the planet ate today and I'm sure it did my eyes a world of good, but even with all that going for it, I felt something was lacking. I considered munching the greens, which I'd discarded, but I've never heard of anyone doing that and wasn't about to experiment. I guess it's fine in a salad or something, but I was feeling more hungry than adventurous and ended up throwing a chicken breast on the grill. And, fixing a side order of mashed potatoes with olive oil and garlic.

No one kissed me, but my tummy was happy.


Firefly said...

Holy crap! Russ!!! I found you through my stats thing on my website. I should've recognized the link right away... and you have me linked in people you estalk. Nice!

How's life?!? How're things?!? Man... I remember our coastal adventure to our first year TGIO party. We had fun times.

Russ said...

Hey ... it *is* you! I'll leave a note on your site, too.