This is Odd

So, outside it's bright and blue with sharp shadows and no water falling from the sky. This has been two days in a row, but yesterday was as blustery as ... a very windy day.

The recently washed air made it a good day for bike riding, which was fortunate as I needed to replenish food and supplies for both dog and man. The wind, however, made my bike riding distinctly unenjoyable. Whenever I ride out to pick up dog food I put a notecard in my pocket on which is written "Nourish the beast." I got that from a play of the same name,and a character who did that to puzzle anyone going through his pockets should he die.

Lfe continues apace, whatever that means.

...writing stuff in the "more" section ...

I've received some very helpful POV advice here, as linked to by . Most helpful, and the only example of this I've seen, is the "bad omniscient" example. I don't think I write *that* poorly, but I'm ignorant of many of my own faults.

That damned second chapter of TRE has me coming and going. The time shifts are easy enough to repair, and I think they'll be easily fixed when I settle on what I want to do. I think it would make much more sense to cast the chapter more from Aleister's POV. He's a main character and a later chapter is entirely told from his POV, so this would be a good time to more fully introduce him. I'm planning on staying, for the time being anyway, in a more distant omniscient view than one might hope for, at least in the early chapters. I know it's a poor excuse and the mark of an amateur, but I still feel "it sounds right."