My Modest Proposal

I considered weighing in on the thorny issue of computer RPG realism but I'm too shy. Suffice it to say that as much as I enjoy retrieving and selling loot, I'd prefer not to think about how silly my character would actually look dragging around five suits of armor or trying to fight while carrying a dozen different swords and maces.

I may decide to name my next character Santa.

Instead, I'll offer this modest proposal to the good folks at NASA. I understand there's some exposed gap filler between the tiles on the bottom of the shuttle, and that the astronauts will be going out to deal with it. I guess the stuff serves the purpose of grout, but is more like sheets, and someone will try poking it back in place, cutting off the inch or so that's sticking out, or pulling the gap filler out. It's been seen after re-entry, but never before in space, which just proves the saying that if you increase the number of cameras you'll end up seeing more.

Turns out, however, this was a big decision for the rocket scientists, of whom I've never known one, by the way. No astronaut has ever before visited the belly of the shuttle in space, and they have a host of excuses not to do so. The extending arm doesn't go far enough and crap like that.

Now, I'm no scientist and I don't know what all's required, but I see a definite disregard here of the first rule of camping and visiting the great outdoors: you can never have too much rope. Leaving aside the question of why a free floating astronaut needs to be tethered to the craft at all (don't they move at the same velocity?), can't they just use 100' (30 meters) of, I dunno, clothesline? Is this really this big a deal?

The American Public can be glad I'm not involved with space exploration. I'd just send out the lucky winner of the spacewalk lottery (and I know all the astronauts want to do it) with a pair of scissors and a pair of forceps or pliers and be done with it. If my idea works, I'd consider receiving the thanks of a grateful nation and the difference in cost between my suggestion and whatever NASA comes up with.


The Angler said...

I assume from you post that there must be another space shuttle flying. If I didn't read your blog, I would be so out of touch with reality.

russ said...

This isn't the blog about news! This is.

Yes, the shuttle is back up (for which I'm glad). Ringed now with cameras they've seen all kinds of things NASA never saw before, and they're trying to figure out how much of it is weird shit. Also, Discovery (the shuttle) is docked to the space station and one lucky guy gets a space walk to fix the grout issue.

They'll be using some boom arm thing to move him into position to do the repair. If I understand physics, a hand-held can of Dust Off compressed air would probably work. Okay, two cans, tops.

The Angler said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person with a penchant for compartimentalization. I always score high in ``putting things inside of other things.''