Limited Mobility

No car for me.

Maybe I wasn't quick enough returning his calls, or maybe he's a flake or mad at me, or had some other flavor of misgivings, but it appears the car thing isn't going to be happening. Not today, anyway, and maybe not this car.

There are other cheap cars, equally crappy I'm guessing, available all the time, so it's not as if I won't ever get a car. It just may not be a convertible with a stick, two things I really wanted.

It's safe to say that over half of my cars have been ragtops, but I can think of only two that were automatics, and both of them were gifts from my parents. I rented an automatic once, and was shocked at this "point and drive" mentality. It was almost as if driving weren't something you did but merely had happen around you.

No wonder there are so many accidents.