It's a Bird, It's a plane, It's...It's a BIG Plane

I try not to bore the bots that document this site's existence by talking about my fondness of most things that fly, but today was something special. The Airbus A380, which may never actually make it into production, landed at LAX on its debut / test run about ten minutes after doing so in New York.

The plane, not too put too fine a point on it, is freakin' huge. So big that it looked to be landing very slowly.

About eight this morning, a full hour and a half before its scheduled arrival, the air above my home was filled with news helicopters staking out their positions. Of course, the police were involved, too, circling as if they had something to contribute. All of this activity would have alerted me to something, even if I hadn't known about it.

The best vantage point on the ground would have been at In-and-Out burger near the airport. From all accounts, though, it was filled to capacity as early as six in the morning, which is far too early for me to even think about getting a 3X3, animal style.

The plane landed without incident, and I wasn't the only in the neighborhood outside  looking at it. I don't know what effect this will have on our local "shut down LAX" group, but I'm glad some of us see the benefits to living near the airport. Sure, it's noisy and polluting, but it's also one of the better places to see planes.

Now that the plane's landed, most of the helicopters have gone off in search of fires or car chases. About the only one left is the police, doing God knows what.