Doesn't Matter

I still have things to worry about, now more than ever.

In addition to the obvious, silly living type things are bugging me. The heater isn't working, or maybe it's just the thermostat. Things in my life are breaking faster than I can repair them, and it's as if the train of my life is rolling quickly downhill. Without brakes. And without an engineer.

My new fingerless writing gloves are a godsend.

I'm doing okay on my novel, at least as far as wordcount goes. And, it's supposedly all about wordcount. I've "advanced" to the point where I can tell when I'm writing poorly even as I'm doing it. "You're telling," my inner critic yells and I admit he's right. I have this compulsion to dump all the exposition in, and I know I should be doing it more artfully.

I also know that very little has happened yet. It seems to me as if my earlier novels were more quickly paced, but I don't know. I've not yet read anything I've written this year so I can't tell if it's as boring as it feels when I write it. I do know that I've had this same feeling in years past and when I got around to reading it I've not noticed it so much. I think it's one of those things that's more obvious when it's happening.

I've gotten to the point now where Sid and Dina are meeting for the first time. I don't yet have any idea about the types of things she'll be offering or suggesting or talking Sid into. I hope I can come up with some good ones!


theangler said...

The thing I like about NaNoing a novel is there's no pressure except the word count. When I was finishing up a rough draft of another novel in October, it was slower going because I was too self conscious about the words that were going down. In November, it's just "screw it I've got two thousand words to write today, yee haa! gitalong lil doggy!" and all that pseudo-western crap. Lunch monkies?

curio said...

Yay, I get to comment!

Those sounds like distracting-type things when one is trying to write a novel. But you seem to be making progress regardless, so that's good times.

I have nothing insightful to say, so I'll leave you with:


Thank you. :cool:

russ said...

It's all about the words, you're right. Today I got some more and hope to add some tonight. Not good ones, but things I need to get on the page so they can be removed later.

I've heard that if you remove ten pages, they're still in there, only invisible. It's true, too, I can later get the mood and pacing and all that jazz. Now I need to vomit out words (but not spray the lunch monkey).