Little but Noveling

I being optimistic about that 3, but I'm no longer wishing to die so I'm back to normal.

Life is so sucky right now I'll just blog about my novel, which is also sucky. This happens every year, and every year when I'm done and go back and read over it I can't tell the good parts from the ones I thought were sucky.

That may not be a good thing.

I hammered out Sid's Amazing Blimp Adventure (Chapt 4 on the Big Train Show website. I was going to save it, but I needed to get it in so I could refer to it later. Actually, so far I think I've done little *except* bring things in that I needed to establish so I can build on or refer to them later. A lot of this novel writing feels like laying groundwork for wonders yet to come, and I don't yet see any brewing wonders.

I *do* know the next thing I need to do: introduce Luther Jack. That should take a couple hundred words. Then, well, I don't know exactly what happens next. To be truthful, I don't know what will happen for the next thirty thousand words. I have a climax I'm writing toward, but the huge hump of the middle of the novel is a bit intimidating. I want to show Sid being challenged, questioning his contented life (which has yet to be shown, so the transition will be ... forced), and should probably come up with two or three things for him and Dina to do, to show her influence on his life.

Then I can get to the train stuff.
Wish me luck!