Writing Breakthrough Update

For the first time, I smiled while writing.

It may have been a mini-breakthrough, one of those things I rely on when I craft my novel. I'd figured on the item Sid found to start the novel being returned to Dina and her boyfriend getting upset with Sid. Maybe some jealousy thing. Instead, as I was getting ready to write that passage a (currently) unknown minor character stepped up and said something, the kind of thing I hadn't planned on, but the exact thing I kept talking about in my tips thread.

Let things happen. At this point I'm trusting my sub-conscious to know what it's doing. The whole thing may be a sub-plot, or it may be the main story's arc, I don't know yet. I'm even less sure about what constitutes a sub-plot than I am about what a chapter is.

But I just love it when a line pops into my head, one that can change everything. At first I resisted it, but then talked myself into accepting it. It may or may not be what that minor character would actually say, but it's the exact type of thing that makes me want to write. I can clean things up or let them play out, depending on how this newly found twist plays out.

(I'd say I can't wait to find out, but I immediately started another thing going on, the introduction of the Big Train Show!)


curio said...

Heh, awesome. I just introduced two characters, both of whom are missing body parts. I just let it happen. It was great. I so need a cigarette now from the hot, random action. ;)

...except not.

Hooray for Sid!

theangler said...

It's about time (mid month) for those breakthroughs. I'm glad you're running with the inspiration. Sounds fun.