State of the Russell

Today is my birthday, and most people celebrate it by taking some time off work and shoving their white shoes to the back of the closet. Some even begin the celebration early by taking a half day off, like my sister did.

So, what is the state of the Russell? Well, the good news is I may have caught a difficulty with my fingers just in time and can continue to lie. A few months ago I noticed that I couldn't spread or wiggle my toes and had no idea when I last could. All my life I'd been able to pick things up with my feet, to adjust the spigots in my bath, and to repeatedly crack my "index" toe by forcing it under the great toe.

I could amuse myself for hours doing that.

I don't pay close enough attention to my body to notice when things like my vision start deteriorating, but eventually I'll find out that something no longer works. I sat in my chair for ten or fifteen minutes trying to move my toes, but other than the littlest toe moving slightly outward, it may as well have been a statue at the end of my ankle.

Yes, I can curl my toes, a little, but I can't spread them or move them individually. If they were little piggies they'd be a herd and no one could go to the market or enjoy roast beef without the others being right alongside.

Then, last week, I discovered I can't cross my fingers to tell a lie. The longest finger no longer slipped over the index one, but I could force it to do so by using my other hand. I've been remembering to do that for the past week, and I'm proud to say I can once again cross those two fingers.

I used to be able to make four pairs of crossed fingers at the same time, but I'm not sure I can retrain the pinky and ring fingers. I have no idea why this is happening, but I sincerely doubt it's because of anything advancement I've made.

But, while I can once again cross my fingers and lie, I have no need or desire to be anything other than forthright and honest. And, to be honest, I miss being able to play with my toes.