Testing ... testing

I'm entering this from my new laptop, sitting in front of the TV, and using a new extension to Firefox that supposedly lets me blog without going to my site.

I guess it's okay, but I don't think I can assign a category, not that anyone I imagine who looks at Crenellated Flotsam cares very much about that.

I hope to learn to love laptops as much as the general population does, but I miss my mouse quite a bit. I guess I could plug one in and return to my youth and work the same way I did on my first laptop, which was given to me by my employer. That machine, to be at all usable for me, ended up being used with an external display and mouse and was, really, no more than a large case for the CPU and disk drive.

Oh, well. Maybe someday I'll grow to love this Synaptics pointing device.