
Today is my oldest sister's birthday. She's the one in our family, I think, who got the lion's share of creative talent. Not only can she paint very well (watercolors, primarily), but now she's learning to play the piano as well.

I got to play the clarinet when I was young. Until it was given to me, I don't think I knew what a clarinet was. I'm thinking, now, that my dad was a great fan of Benny Goodman, and that may explain things.

I was ill with something earlier this week and made an unwise comparison. Lance Armstrong, I was thinking, when he got sick, refused to go down and battled his infirmiries. I knew one woman, suffering from breast cancer, who pictured all the medicines and procedures she was undergoing like little knights, battling valiantly against the evil, invading cells.

When I get ill I want to die.

It's not the symptoms, no matter how painful, that bother me so much as the change it makes in my attitude. When ill, I just lose all interest, just want to roll over and have it stop.

Of course, I get better, and then pick up right where I left off. Today, however, screwed me up again. Yesterday I was good, but this morning I woke at four and fumbled around until ten or so. Then, I laid down and slept until after three in the afternoon.

I have to admit, when I re-awoke, I had the distinct feeling that the day was already mostly over.

But, I did manage to write my sister an e-mail, so it wasn't a total loss.


The Angler said...

Yeah, I've often wondered about this people who keep their positive attitude during life's darkest moments. Maybe they're just lying and they are as weak as the rest of us. Happy B-day, Russ's sister!

russ said...

It's PR, that's what I think.

When the going get's tough, the tough wisely choose to surrender.