Dogs and Russell

This morning I was planning on writing a scathing condemnation of Bush and his administration and rather looking forward to it. Then, I read the online versions of a lot of newspapers and realized that all the professional columnists, pundits, and editorial boards were doing a much better and more eloquent job of it than I ever could.

Not only more intelligently, but earlier, too.


Next I considered a thougthful comparison of myself to my dog.
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He likes to sit near the window or behind the screen door and look for things to bark at. I like to search through life for things that annoy me. We're a lot alike that way.

Then I started thinking about seeing what annoyed me and, from notes on some other blogs, considered talking about how that works, since it's one of my philosophies. It's the old "you live in the universe you build" idea, and I was eager to draw similarities between that and the "you get the government you deserve" idea, said of democracies.

But none of that matters now. Minardi is napping and I have no idea what he's seeing in his dreams, and I'm far too upset at my government to say anything meaningful, either. Maybe we just exist at the whim of nature, and this planet could shed us with less concern than a dog shucking a flea.