Good News!

It looks now as if Rita didn't do anywhere near the amount of damage we'd feared. In fact, the biggest problem they're talking about is how to get all the people back into Houston.

Those people need to work, you know.

I must have slept through the reporters trying to state the obvious, although I got up at four and switched on the news. A few minutes later, I went back to bed. Perhaps they've learned that there's no news to be had in reporting a breaking A&W Root Beer sign.

Oh, sure, there was one guy with his hair plastered on his head, but nothing much better than that. Perhaps this has all been done to resurrect my humanity, to teach me not to laugh at my fellow man when he or she is being made a fool of, I really don't know.

I'm going to be dog and house sitting the rest of the weekend, so I may not be able to update as much as I'd like. Hell, everyone else is taking some time off, but there's the offside chance I'll bust another coffee maker and have some news.

In the meantime, you may want to take an hour and watch this. It's a program about genetically engineered food and, in spite of the title, isn't boring. In fact, it changed my whole way of thinking. It does exactly what it should and makes a very convincing argument. Even if you don't agree with the guy, I think you'll look differently at the whole hoopla surrounding "natural food."