Me, Justified

I should really get a job making these predictions, I'm so good at it.

Some of the nearby streets were, in fact, painted black yesterday, and there's no reason to think the one in front of me won't undergo a similar treatment tomorrow. The other day I called it slurry in an attempt to impress, but I'm not sure if that's the correct term. I picked that word up at a job, and it was what the contractors did to the parking lot to turn it black and was the step before painting.

What happened here is the streets that got the treatment were "painted" with a thick black goop, maybe an eighth of an inch thick. It looks like a mix of sand and black paint, and I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it.

Only, except, of course I did through my taxes.

I'm not sure what they're trying to prove by this roadwork, but they didn't do a very good job. I'm not saying I could do better, but the coverage is uneven, to be generous. There are long tire tracks where they ran over and removed the new topping, and the slurry itself frequently runs into and over the cement gutters.

Best is the cavalier attitude they displayed toward the plant life struggling to gain a foothold in every nook and cranny. I always kind of like that, the persistence and insistence of nature to find a spot to germinate, but these roadworkers just dropped their goop right on top. There are now weeds wearing thick, black hats, and it looks bad.

What that means, of course, is that I need to eliminate as many weeds as I can from the front of my house. Still, that's better than the plight inflicted on so many of my neighbors, who were forced to resurrect their cars. Yesterday showed a parade of lumbering vehicles that hadn't moved in months or years, coughing and spitting down the street chased by people with jumper cables and much cursing and cheers.

All for a newly black road surface, that doesn't seem to improve much of anything for very long.


cybele said...

okay, well, that's not allowing the full url to go through.

Can I do a little html?

cybele said...

They did this last year on our street.

The flyer they left said that it made the streets last longer.

russ said...

I remember you mentioning that, when it happened in your neighborhood.

I'm not too sure about making streets last longer. Like I said the other day, they did it here about five years ago. It's nice and all to have smooth streets that look shiny and new, but if they have to do it every few years to all the streets ...

Today, in preparation, I pulled all the weeds from the gutter.

cybele said...

What do you mean you're not too sure? The flyer said so!