November 5, 2012 - TV Day

November 5, 2012

This morning saw one kinda major achievement, a little more fiddling while Rome burns, and this afternoon brought an introduction to a neighbor who brought some good news and the arrival of television.
Also, a meager windfall when one of the Dish network installers bought my 16' ladder for $60. I think her name was Tanya, but it could have been the other girl, who was equally large and burly looking. Well, this is supposed to be a life of deprivation and I do have another ladder. If I feel silly about owning three or four jackets and coats when my closet is only one square foot, I can't be running around with more than one ladder.
Besides, I think sixty bucks was a good deal and there's a real good chance I won't use it any more, anyway. Not unless I need to get on the roof.

But that's not the point.

I didn't sleep nearly as well last night as I did the first night here, but maybe I wasn't quite as exhausted. It took a few cups of coffee and my usual post-coffee and get-up lay-down before I finally succumbed to the day and got a little busy. With the armoire. Jeez, what a beast that beautiful thing is.
By about nine it was in the house. While it's basically impossible for me to move, roll, or dolly it from the side, I was surprised at how easily it moves if the dolly is on the back. Got it to the door without a sweat, but then I needed to cover the pavers with plywood and lay it down on its side to get it in the door.
That, of course, required the “front room” to have the things in it moved to make a good-sized empty opening. The armoire fell off the four-wheeler once or twice, but it made it in and was all ready.
I was a little afraid, but the TV survived the move and worked when I plugged it in.
My Dish appt was any time between eight and noon, and I moved some boxes onto the tables in the yard and did some measuring with the tape measure I was able to find. The yard, I guess, looks a little neater with the boxes on tables instead of just sitting on the dirt, and there was a hint or two of organization, but it's still mostly random or dependent on weight and box size.
I wanted to leave room for the Dish people, so only the small blue bookcase made it into the house and is now situated under the west window. I plan to set that cowboy table next to it, then the armoire just about in the corner.
The southern wall will hold the black desk, the computer one, and I hope to get the Stefania bookcase next to the entrance to the bathroom.
I couldn't be doing all that, though, not while waiting for the Dish people to arrive, but they got here just after noon and a couple hours later they were gone and the TV was working.
So, there's that.

While they were here, “Mike” showed up.
He used to own this place, or his sister did, or something like that, but he lives next door (the brown place) and had a couple pieces of information. He let me know a little about the neighbors but, most importantly, let me know that when he tried to get a building permit for his garage he was pretty much told to never mind. There's no longer anyone checking on permits, not here, anyway, and the county can't be bothered any more with us desert residents.

That may or may not be a temporary thing because of the county's financial state, but he said something about anything being five feet from the structure being ignored.


Also, and this just goes to show how little I investigated this place before moving in, as it turns out that through the wall air conditioner is also a heater! Mike mentioned that, and I just checked and he's right: it has settings for heat, cool, and just fan.

I found some more kitchen boxes, but that tiny kitchen is a bit daunting. Sure, there are nine cupboards waiting to be filled, but I've yet to figure out what I want to go where. The cupboards may be numerous, but they're also tiny and, like everything else, I have lots of kitchen stuff.

I pretty much took the day, yeah.

Minardi barked when I left for the store, and I've been trying all day to give him lots of attention and make sure he knows he's still part of a pack. True, the pack is only he and I, but I think he misses Mika, Cheryl, and the life he's known up to now. Fortunately or not, he's getting up there and the thought of burying him disturbs me, but most of the day he spends napping, which I hope gives him some relief from any anxiety he might be feeling.
The Dish installers gave him a cookie, which he was reluctant to take at first, even from me, but he took the second one and the girls weren't worried about him or unhappy with his presence at all.

That was another thing I thought about, but I don't think it rose to the level of worry. I just figured I'd put him inside while they were outside and vice-versa, but there was no need.

After they left, I gave up on doing just about everything (Hey! It was hot!), and ended up spending some time learning about the workings of the Dish network. No, not particularly productive, but it had to be done.
Some food, though, did make it into the cupboard, mostly the stuff I'd packed for Rachael's apartment, leftover candy and more ramen.

As far as getting unpacked and moved in goes, I'm willing to give the books and computer games a pass, at least for the time being. Most of the “misc” or decorative shit can also wait. I think my focus should be kitchen, clothing, and furniture arrangement. And, by furniture arrangement, I don't think I mean any more or less than putting bookcases, shelves, and desks somewhere.
Dad's desk is outside, slated for patio furniture. Well, it would be nice to sit out there and use it with a laptop or something. The cowboy desk may end up being my desk for official crap, and maybe those kind of things will sit on its surface. The black desk will stay as the computer desk, and I plan to put it in place tomorrow.
Minardi is troubling me as much as anything else. I want to get him a big bag of cookies, but I don't know how to do that. I could hop in the Jeep and go to a supermarket, something I'd like to do for me, too, but what about him? If I leave him here, he'll get upset. If I take him with me, I'll have to tie him up outside the store, and I'm not sure he'll like that, either.
Yep. This desert living is new for both of us.