November 6, 2012 Settling

And so this day begins.

Minardi got up about 0430 and stood by the door. That was my clue, and although it was only seven hours or so after I went to sleep, it's okay.
I got up, opened the door, and Minardi looked out. He ate while I got the coffee going, and is now laying on his snoozy while I'm up, typing, sipping coffee, and watching Morning Joe on MSNBC.
I miss Bloomberg. Sometimes this life of deprivation has its downsides, like when I'm deprived of something I enjoy.

Today's plan: the kitchen.

Things may not end up where they'll go for good, but I'm hoping as I put things away maybe some sense of arranging will emerge. It may end up being a cross between where I'd like to have things and whether or not they'll fit there. I'm expecting to have quantity or size be as major a factor as my desire, and will probably end up with some things going in this or that cupboard because they'll fill it better than whether or not I want them there.
A lot of this life may end up depending on what I can keep.

Also, and this is more related to arranging my shit than you may think, the other plan for today is calling the trash people and maybe even the gas guy. The tank in the yard, I think, is pretty low, but thanks to what I learned yesterday, the only need I have for gas is for the water heater.
I'm guessing it doesn't use much.

And, also on today's schedule, is another Minardi test. He barked yesterday when I left him to run to the store, but he's going to have to learn to be alone here. Neither of us may like it, but chaining him up outside a store may not be anything he likes, either. I'll have to see how people here do things, and I may end up getting him a harness.

Bit by bit I'd like to think we're adjusting.

*** ***

Now it's noon, and by “noon” I mean about 10:30. So far today, I've done nothing, but I did discover that the drooping weather seal on the Jeep's upper windshield, which I just discovered last night, isn't a silly thing from the top but is from around the windshield itself. I'm not sure how concerned I should be, but I can imagine either nothing happening or the whole windshield popping out.
So, I tied the weather stripping out of the way with a tiny red tie-wrap.

Went for a quick drive and Minardi barked again, at least during my return. We walked around the block, and he was moving very slowly and wasn't at all perky or interested in much of anything. I figured part of that might be the altitude, something we both need to adjust to, but I may have been fooling myself.
I called Rachael to check up on her and Cheryl, but had to leave a message. At the time, I'd pretty much decided (again!) to give Minardi to Cheryl to make up for the turtles I lost, to repay, just on general principles, and maybe to give Minardi a little more joy than he seems to be having here.
He would enjoy being with Mik again, and Cheryl, too, and then I convinced myself he doesn't like me much, anyway, and the thought of giving him away broke my heart.
Yeah, there were some tears, but since then I got the top back on the Jeep, something that's getting easier each time either because I'm getting better at it or the top, itself, is more pliable than it was the first time I did it.
Which also may have been the first time it was ever done by anyone.

It doesn't feel all that important that it's election day, but I can follow it on TV and I'm not sure that I would have remembered today was that day without that! Part of that, of course, is because I already mailed my ballot in and don't have to show up and vote today, but remembering that reminds me that Cheryl may be SOL.
I hope not.