Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

I was thinking last night and today, y'know, doing the annual reflection thing, and this is the first year in many where I ended up in quite a different place than I expected. 2003, in addition to possibly being a prime number, was one I won't soon forget.

This morning I watched part of the Rose Parade, as much as I could. I think 2004 may end up being my year for bitching about everything, and I'm blaming it on Disney. I wish I had a film or something of the parade back when I was growing up, just to see if it's as different as I remember. Now, it seems, every other float is a commercial for the freakin' corporation that creates it. Whiskas has a giant kitty, Home Depot's entry is "Barn Raising," and Disney's float is a depiction of one of their "attractions."

Also, the TV coverage lets us know the name of the float designer and the company he works for.

They keep this crap up and I won't be sad at all when I leave this veil of tears. This planet seems to be bristling with people who don't share my values, and I think they're the ones in the right. No, it's not about the floats...or even American Idol or the Bachelorette. It's just everything, nothing's the way I remember it and I'm thinking none of it is all that much better.

Spent the remainder of the day changing "the" to "my" in Lotty's chapters. I think she'd refer to her possessions that way. My car, my refrigerator, my carpet, my phone...


lauren said...

so where did you expect to be? and how is it different from where you wound up?

strange, for me it feels like everything and nothing changed...

Russ said...

I think I expected two things in 2003 and neither of them panned out.

One: I hoped a girl I was talking to in the beginning of the year would save me. We were going along quite well through the end of 2002, but she ran off, leaving me empty and crippled.

Two: I never expected to be fired, to be out of work for close to a year, and to find that I have no desire to do anything I'm qualified to do.

lauren said...

well, hopefully you will find yourself with a new job and a new girl rather briskly in 2004. it can happen...

firefly said...

Happy new year to you too, russ!!