
I'm a slow learner...

Right now I'm enjoying a cigarette, my first in a few days. Why did I start up again? I just saw a reactionary commercial with people blowing bubbles instead of smoking, one that ended up proclaiming how great a world without tobacco would be.

I'd never before grasped that the non-smoking people actually want to drive big tobacco out of business, that they want no one to ever smoke again, that they are so reactionary and smug.

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, that it kills, that it's a miserable habit. What I object to is this blatant attempt to proscribe someone's behavior, to force one group's viewpoint on everyone else, to legislate opposing views out of business.

There's no good reason to smoke, but it really pisses me off that people are actively trying to remove it as an option. This absolutist view, this reactionary trampling of civil rights, really pisses me off. If you don't like it, fine. I support you, but I can't fall in line with taking "not liking" to "it should be illegal for you to do it."

...flick...ahhh -- Aaron (TWOP)

Today's cool link What a great idea!


lauren said...

sorry, but as someone who is seriously allergic to cigarette smoke, other peoples' smoking in public is a very real threat to my health and life. where are my rights when someone lights up and i stop breathing?

the day they banned cigarettes in restaurants and bars was one of the best days ever because i could finally go out without getting seriously ill.

yes, i know that people like me who can even be impacted by people smoking in their cars with the windows open are in the extreme minority but damn i relish the thoughts of a day where i can go out im public and breathe without fear.

of course that didn't stop me from marrying a smoker. though i'm sure he got sick of having to shower every night when he got home. sick enough to quit, actually.

russ said...

I have no problem with non-smokers and rarely, if ever, smoke around or otherwise offend them.

What clicks my clock is being told what to do ... and having someone remove the ability to choose. I guess it just bugs me when people want to obliterate legal businesses and things like that. It's not about the smoking, it's about forcing everyone to live the way you want them to.

Too reactionary for me.

lauren said...

fair enough. i'm all about people's rights of choice. just get testy when peoples choice infringe on my right to life.

not everyone is as considerate as you are...

russ said...

I'm glad you're not all pissed. Hate to lose half my readers!

...wait until tomorrow!