Parties and Chicken

...I got some flack about yesterday's entry...

Okay, I admit that there's tons of drinking going on that I don't see. How else to explain the Girls Gone Wild videos? Still, it isn't the same thing and my take on what I've seen in the past few years only serves to reinforce my idea. Lots of craziness *does* go on, but the huge majority of it is of the structured type and not the spontaneous celebration of life that I miss.

Getting plastered during Spring Break or on Jello Shot Thursday just isn't the same. That's still doing what you're led to do and still puts you in the audience.

And, no, the idea is not to go through life hammered. Losing control of yourself that way is the symptom, not the cause, and I still maintain that kids nowadays are way too structured. Maybe it results from having to wear helmets when they bicycled, maybe not.

Yesterday Minardi got a new flavor of canned dog food. He gets whatever flavor of Centinela Feed's home brand is on top of the stack each time, usually something like beef and liver or chicken and beef or that type of thing. They have many varieties, and I know he must enjoy the many flavors.

Yesterday he got "cooked chicken," and it gave me pause.

Advertising people tend to accentuate the distinguishing feature, which in this case is "cooked."
