More Snide Olympic Remarks

Id' been avoiding it because I confused it with white water kayaks.

Canoeing demands to be kept as a sport. Those athletes get no other major stage, have no professional use for their abilities, and all look to be statues waiting to happen. I think it would be better if instead of tank tops they wore fringed jackets or maybe feathered headbands, though.

The kayakers can leave the Olympics and just return to having fun on the weekends.

I should also point out that I love the California cheese commercials and always have. I guess they only show them in Californial, so some of you may have missed pictures of cows surviving earthquakes or making getaways from Wisconsin. I was brought up a notch or two by the one with the rooster, whom I recognized immediately as Bobcat Goldwait. I love him, cranky fellow that he is.

And I had to watch a lot of the wrestling on the Spanish station since NBC only showed (when I was watching) the US people competing. The things I most like about wrestling is The World According to Garp, which featured a wrestler as the main character, and those ears.

I don't think participants in any other sport are as immediately and uniquely identifiable as wrestlers. No one else has cauliflower ears and only wrestlers have them. You can see someone tall and think he plays basketball, but you could be wrong. Someone muscular may or may not be a weightlifter, but no one except wrestlers have cauliflower ears. I think they wear them as a badge, and well they should.

I need not point out that none of the phony TV wrestlers have them.