Pedigree to the Rescue!

I don't often subject myself to TV commercials but sometimes it can't be helped. Whenever I do, I end up regretting it.

There's some ad running for some new birth control pill that claims to be the product of the world's largest birth control pill company, or the oldest, or the most well-respected. Trouble is, nowhere in the ad is the name of the company given, which I consider a sham.

Some new scenter says in their first line that "Everyone's talking about the Oust" (or whatever the product name is). I think I'd like to sue them, because NOBODY I know is talking about it, and it's a lie. When I was young my mother used to take me out when she collected door to door for charities, and I visited many of the same homes myself when I later had a paper route. Some of the houses did indeed have a smell that could be considered offensive (and there used to be an ad talking about "houseotosis"). I've seen, though, that most any smell is one that I get used to, usually within minutes, and I find covering odors with those oil things (not candles!) that smell like pine or apple or ocean breezes just cloying.

The winner of the day, however, must be Pedigree dog food. In an attempt to capitalize on a recent food fad, their weight loss formula for overweight dogs does in fact claim to contain fewer carbohydrates.