Merry Christmas!

Ever'body gets presents!

So by now everyone in the nation who's getting anything for Christmas pretty much already has. We traditionally open on Christmas Eve, a habit that annoyed my friends who had to wait until Christmas Day when I was growing up. Stuff from Santa, of course, only showed up on Christmas Day, but by then I was already enraptured with what I'd received the night before.

I've yet to see a shiny new bicycle on the street in front of my house. Nor any razor scooters, Segways, or any other evidence of anyone getting any large gifts. I suspect many of my neighbors are indoors, stuffing their new iPods. The less fortunate are having to use cheap knock-offs, and will soon be suffering the humiliation of not having white ear pods when they choose to listen in public to the music they already know and love.

I've just completed another NaNovel. I think my sixth. This last one was set in contemporary England. I'm considering updating my writing page since I should put down somewhere more of my thoughts about writing. That would seem to be the place.

It's a sunny and warm Christmas Day here. I may wear shorts. I'm currently baking some bread (well, using my bread maker) because although there's tons of leftovers I cannot make either a turkey or a ham sandwich. Yes, surprisingly, to demonstrate gluttony we had both ham and turkey last night for the feast. I have no idea why, but since my niece brought her son we at least numbered four.

Everyone got clothes.

I need to blog less about my life and more about ideas.


Voyaging said...

Your "Writing Page" link (above) is a bit b0rked, but I got there - did you take your short stories down?

cybele said...

Your ham wasn't by chance stuffed inside your turkey, was it?

Merry Christmas.

We celebrated the holiday today, just to be weird.

theangler said...

I am so behind. I just stumbled across this young lady, Pagan Kennedy. She launched a decent noveling and criticism career by publishing a zine about her life. She wrote a book about her experiences then a half dozen other books. I just picked up her novel, Spinsters, today. Dirty underware can be fascinating to look at.

russ said...


I'll check on the short stories, also the layout. I think it only works well on *my* browswer!

No ham in turkey, no turham. Or is that turm?

I have some nature of elite disdain for "thinly disguised autobiographies" that arises from my less than intriguing life. I never slept in a cottage in the Andes, subsisting on grubs and bark, and have only run with dogs.

I have, however, read more than one sentence of The Republic and the Odyssey in the original Greek.

nuanc said...

Hi! My first blog comment of the year... any year. :cool:

My comment is about Christmas and children. Barry and I were driving in Houston on Christmas Day... the weather - which had been cold and actually snowing on Christmas Eve (unheard of in Houston) - was balmy and sunny once again. There were, we noticed, no children outside playing. We both grew up in Houston in the neighborhoods we were driving through, the neighborhoods our mothers still live in, and we remember Christmas day's spent outside riding bikes, trikes, roller skating, playing hide and seek, cowboys and indians, jump rope, baseball, basketball, badmitton. SOMETHING physical! We started counting and managed to find only 4 children outside (all with their parents... too scary I guess to let children outside alone).

I think it's good we can only live to be 100 at the most. Too many changes for us to adjust to even in that time frame.