Test Entry

I'll edit this later, when I figure out what to talk about.

For now, I'm just wondering why the feeder has stopped working. Maybe having one here and one on the news is just too much for his ancient, crickety blog program to handle.

As they said on the site where I got the RSS Feed generating program:
"Greymatter is now fairly old technology, it has been surpassed by many other blogging software packages. Before you install Greymatter and gm-rss it is worth considering either installing Wordpress, or converting to Wordpress if you already use Greymatter"

But, someone who knows dislikes Wordpress. I wonder how easy (hah!) it would be to convert this old stuff to Movable Type...

UPDATE: This entry fed (from what I can see), but poor old Animal Troubles must have an error. Like that wouldn't be expected. For the nonce, I think mangling the existing program is a better way of generating the feed then running the manual update. Also, now that it's done, less work for me!


theangler said...

I'm so glad you have an RSS feed running now RuSS. My whirlwind, scattershot approach at keeping up with my iReading is greatly simplified.