That Time of Year

It's official. By my reckoning the holiday season has begun, and ultra-violet may be the new orange.

A couple houses around mine have gone that extra step in the Halloween decorating business. Not content with static displays of ghosts, witches, headstones, and spider webs, they're stringing up lights. Just like Christmas, only not so pretty.

The colors used for the lights are predominately orange, with tiny orange jack-o-lanterns serving as accents every five feet or so (call it 1.5 meters). Very festive. It reminds me of accident sites set up by the police.

But, something new's been added: strings of purple lights. Dark purple, bordering on ultra-violet, which may be an intentional allusion to ultra-violence, a term made popular in Clockwork Orange. Violence -- Bodies -- Graves -- Halloween, I can make the connection.

The other indication that the holidays are on us is underwear sales. I think that's the first thing to go when pounds are added. People are much more willing to squeeze and cram themselves into snug outerwear, but comfort cannot be compromised. "I may still be able to wear the same clothes people saw me in during the summer to reinforce the 'I haven't gained weight idea,' but I'll be damned if I'm going to wedge myself into ill-fitting underwear," they say.

Also, not to be ignored is that self-described "not nice" people are buying me lunch. Currying favors or getting the holiday spirit? You decide.