Dreams and disturbing habits

After waking up at three this morning I was able to reclaim a couple hours sleep from seven until nine. During that nap I had an interesting dream. Minardi was tearing up the house, or at least the couches, and I got a phone call from someone I didn't know offering me another dog (an Austrailian Shepherd) from someone I *did* know. It may have been one of those people I only know in dreams, though.

I turned down the offer because there were already too many animals in my life, including birds, rats, and a monkey, in addition to several dogs.

I was bothered by the interruption since I was trying, endlessly, to write down a shopping list (something I rarely do IRL). I was trying to write it on the smallest sized yellow stickies, and kept having to re-do it because my writing was bad and the list wasn't making sense. For some reason, Glenlivet was the first thing I listed, followed by some antisceptic and some software (tax acctg?). There were other things on the first list I made, but I got stuck trying to write those first three down, and made several attempts.
...the disturbing habit?...

Frequently when I nap, but not when I sleep at night, I drool. This is a new tendency, and not a pleasant or endearing one. It's almost as if I'm passing out again, and I thought that was long behind me.

I don't remember ever drooling until the last six months or so. It's disgusting, it's messy, and it's another thing I can feel bad about and point at when I need to be reminded just how unsatisfactory I am as a human being.


firefly said...

heh, don't feel too bad about the drooling stuff... i have the occasional night or nap where i do the same thing. it's almost always during a halfway decent dream too, only to wake up in a face full of pillow puddle. *shrug* it happens.

Russ said...

Mabye this drooling thing could be part of our tribe...