End of Tyranny

If you hadn't noticed, you can now make my blogs look any way you want. Well, as long as what you want is reflected in one of the Themes I've so far made available.

When industriousness, or boredom, returns, I'll be able to offer more choices. Also, some of the themes have new stuff (such as a bio) for me to fill out and I still need to get the theme-switcher thing to look good on all the pages.

Who am I to decide how my blog looks? The content will be mine, and when all's said and done, that should be why anyone visits. With that in mind I'll more carefully consider what I blog about, and no more of this rambling stuff.

Starting with the next entry, that is.


cybele said...

I'm using Beeblebrox and I quite like it. I prefer text on a white or light background for readability and it's nice and clean looking too.

russ said...

I'm glad you found one you like. I hope to keep adding, so please come back and check for new ones!

Voyaging said...

I can't get a theme to "stick" - I guess no cookie gets set, huh. Even if I change the default in the same session, if I click on the blog name "Crenellated Flotsam" to navigate "home," the tyrannous default theme comes back. Doesn't matter, I only look at the pictures anyway. ;)

russ said...

By George, you're right.

Makes sense, now that I think of it (there needs to be a default for the occasional new person who stumbles in here by accident). It would be much better if it set a cookie, but I guess not.

I'll put a pic up, later, today just for you.