No Food Grown or Earned

Today I accomplished a few things, but I'd hardly call the day productive. Something about that word connotes value or worth, and I can't claim that.

A great deal of time was spent on playing with my website. I try to get my money's worth out of it, and today I learned a bit more about how some of the things I have set up there work. Yes, you'd think I would take care of that before publishing them, but I like living on the edge, finding out as I go along. More surprises that way.

Then I read as long as I could, as long as my eyes could take it, and walked the dog around the block. Then, I remembered all the blogging and writing I should be doing and wondered about what to say. As you can see, I may have run out of interesting ideas before getting to this one. It would be a pity, I think, for Crenellated Flotsam to suffer, and I should avoid doing that.

I finally found the aggragator I've been looking for. Now that I've set it up to check my site(s) for comments and things, well, my hits are incredible! My entire web site needs only me to reach double digits! I should concoct something that will let me subtract out my own hits, lest my head swells from all the attention I think I'm getting.

Oh. And I had steak and potatoes for dinner.