Head, Not Heart

I'm avoiding emotions and desires. Instead of fully using all those qualities which make me human, I'm trying to stick with thinking and analyzing. No, it's not fulfilling, but it's less painful.

So, I've been studying up on this Very Good Thing (tm). I've decided it is deserving of that name, even though imperfect. The notion of turning waste into usable energy isn't new, but I like that this plant gives us oil to burn, carbon for filtration and other things, as well as water and some heavy metals.

I'd like to think we could build a lot of these, not only near pig farms to help with this , but even build them near landfills, digging and mining old waste. Not only could we clean up those old places, but we'd get oil to boot!

No, it won't solve all our problems, but in conjunction with other things, I like it. Too bad the NIMBY people who are stopping everything from clean nukes to new refineries won't let it happen.


cybele said...

It's a big, deep world and I prefer to spend my time on the surface, rarely even putting my face in the water.

Holding your breath and diving down is just too overwhelming - I'm not equipped with tanks or a snorkel or even a mask.

Nope - I've done more than get my feet wet, but I'm not going under the water.