More of the Same

I thougtht we were done with this last year.

In fact, I didn't go and visit my ravaged state, but I had the impression just about everything flammable (all that "fuel" the firefighters keep talking about) was already burned to a crisp. Now, it turns out, this year may be even worse, even more deadly and horrific.

If this is a sign of the final days--and what else can it be?--maybe I should pay more attention to
these people.

In other news, I heard something incredibly brilliant from one of those political pundits. I've been upset for years about how politicians never answer the questions put to them by reporters or interviewers, but now it's clear as an azure sky of deepest summer.

Polotics 101, lesson six: Answer the question you wish you'd been asked.

It always bothers me when they ask a question and the respondant doesn't answer. Worse, no one ever points it out or insists on getting the answer. Since everyone but me knows this rule, now it makes sense.

I still don't like it, though.