
For most of the morning my motto would have been "why bother." Or, maybe, "who cares" but that sounds too confrontational (cuz whenever I say that somebody answers).

Didn't want to do any writing, anything. I prefer a painful life to an apathetic one.

But I wrote some, anyway. I'm behind all the jackrabbits, but I have no jealousy. There are two people already finished, and many more who are writing ten thousand words a day. If you're that prolific, I don't think NaNo is the thing for you. It still reminds me of the Seinfeld when Kramer beat up his Karate class. No challenge. Why are they doing this if not to show off?

Besides, I'm convinced their novels must suck major ass. Probably boring as hell, too.

Me? I'm going for quality. Not one mention of ninjas (yet).


firefly said...

p.s. I lurve Rough Draft!

firefly said...

What's funny is there was one author who was finished November 1st. Didn't happen. She was completing an already existing story and counted her entire word count. *rolls eyes* Some people just don't pay attention. *shrug*

In all honesty, for those people who are seemingly finished or really close... the stories can't be very good. It takes time (even with an outline and notes) to create a decently readable story.

I'm with you, I want something I can work with. My first novel was crap, readable crap, but crap just the same. This one I want to take a little more seriously. And I am. I just got some help from the forums and I'm gonna work on that tonight... as soon as I get home. *evil grin*

firefly said...

I'm here to take over your blog's comments! *evil laugh* Just kidding.

I'm curious how you got your chapter in pdf format? (do you have the program that does it?!?)

Just wondering.

lauren said...

you're stil way ahead of me on the word count front. on the up side, i finally have the narrow, bleached white bones of an outline. just need to start shopping for skin, and maybe a little muscle here and there...

lauren said...

oh yeah, and:

mmm... jordan almonds...