
Not doing so well on the writing today, but did catch up on other things. Got half my total done and hope to do the other half when I get done here.

Got another rejection and this one pissed me off. I think it's from the Univ of Georgia and I should know better than to expect anything from the South. I guess they have a different take on "experimental" than I do since they cited "inappropriate elements" as one of the reasons for turning it down. I think I handled the situation quite well, very matter-of-factly and not at all lurid. Nobody else has said that so it shouldn't be bothering me as much as it is.

I think that leaves just one more place to turn it down before it goes out to another six.

I'm afraid to follow up on my novel, but I'll do that, too, over the weekend.

I'm throwing away all my Dixie cups.


cybele said...

inappropriate elements?

what on earth could be inappropriate if they asked for experimental?

I haven't read the draft you sent, but there really wasn't anything offensive in there.

but I'm not a southerner ...

russ said...

My guess is they didn't take a cotton to the ex-girlfriend wanting her face painted.

Or maybe they don't like Arizona jails.

firefly said...

hey, russ, i wanna read this story, please?!? email it to me, if you could, cause i want to see what the hell they're talking about...

don't worry, eventually it'll click. :)