
Last night it rained and I wore an orange sweater. I take it that summer is over, and although the skies were crisp and blue today I nearly froze wearing my shorts. It didn't help that I was in the shade.

Actually, the "freezing" is an exagerration. I was cold and had goose pimples, though. If I were a girl I would have been pretty popular, what with my stiff nipples and all, but since I'm not everyone pretty much just ignored me.

I have a ton of candy left over from Halloween. When the rain came, and it showed up right after the sun set, all the kids in the street got hauled back into the cars that brought them to our neighborhood and hustled back to wherever it is they come from. Each year I see more and more teenagers who can't even be bothered with dressing up, which saddens me a little. I don't say anything, or even glare at them, but the holiday is eroding into "free candy day." One kid, dressed in dark pants with a leather jacket, at least joked about being "Men in Black," which made me laugh. At least he displayed some shame.


cybele said...

Some of our trick-or-treaters were a little old, but at least they live on the street, so I put up with it (they're good kids).

But mostly we had wee little kids that were just too adorable in their little fairy costumes and one came as a ladybug and another little toddler (who wasn't asking for candy) came as a bumble bee. I feel like I'm back in the seventies again.

firefly said...

my parents think that halloween is dead. we had one trick-or-treater... one. in the teenage kind that was dressed in regular clothes, a giant 30 gallon trash bag and some white make-up.

sad really. i loved halloween and dressing up when i was a kid.