
I visited a friend's blog and she was talking about the TV show Bewitched.

This is an important show.

First, I'm glad it's back on so later generations can weigh in on the thorny issue of which Darren was the better. I liked the first one, the one who isn't Dick York (I think). I remember feeling cheated and shocked at a young age when they just changed the actor who played the leading character on me, without ever acknowledging it.

Two, I had a crush on Elizabeth Montgomery, as I did on every woman on a TV show I liked.

Three, I remember feeling pretty smug when I discovered that she didn't wiggle her nose, but her mouth and it just looked like her nose.

Four, in one episode (or maybe it was Jeannie) she froze everyone around her, stopping time. That, rather than invisibility or flying, became the one magical power I've always wanted.

Fifth, a precocious child, I noticed Elizabeth Montgomery's husband was the producer for the show. I reasoned that he developed the whole show as a showcase for his wife's one talent, that nose wiggling thing. Well, that and stirring the loins of young men such as myself. I think this is when my distaste for Hollwyood first began.

Would you believe it? I'm *still* working on those damn cards. I have everything written down on notebook paper that I need to put on the cards, but I'm getting bored with all the transcribing.

Still need to finish that Lotty-Tonino chapter, too.


cybele said...

Wow, I rated a mention on your blog. (Well, my blog rated a mention on your blog.)

I ramble on and on about what I read and you respond to the offhand admission that I watch Bewitched?

Tell me, Mary Tyler Moore or Elizabeth Montgomery? I always prefered MTM - she was just cute as a button.

russ said...

Yeah, I was able to cull the only important item, even though it was well hidden.

Elizabeth Montgomery in a heartbeat. I was too young to get excited during Dick Van Dyke and never got into the MTM show.

firefly said...

I haven't seen that show in a very long time, but I remember noticing the different Darren's as well. I dislike when they do that in shows. heh.

russ said...

I don't think they pull the ol' switcheroo as much any more. Now they write off the old char and make a new one. I think that's better.

russ said...

I don't think they pull the ol' switcheroo as much any more. Now they just find a way to write off the old char and then come up with a new one.