Oh, you know, things...

Very crisp and windy today. I thought March was supposed to be the windy one.

There are no groundhogs that I know of in my backyard, but a rat (or mouse) that's been hanging around darted off quite quickly the other day when the light came on. The response, I feel, is what the groundhog does so I should be able to assume that his (or her) hiding means another six weeks of winter.

Do vegans insist their pets not eat meat? How weird would that be? How much weirder would it be to be a vegan and have to buy meat for your cat?

I would buy many more things if I had any trust at all in advertisers. No, I'm not talking about getting a bigger penis (even if she'll love me for it), I mean any of these things. Those additives that make the metal in your car engine smooth, for one. Great idea, but I don't feel I'm getting the truth. Swiffer mops and storage bags, all kinds of things look great in the ads but I know there's things they're not telling me.

I also know for a fact that never in my life have I gotten as much Shark Cartiledge or Bee Pollen in my diet as some would like me to have. Why do these vitamin people only say their results have been published in a "scientific journal" but not tell us which ones? I hate that all these clowns are taken advantage of a gullible, naive public.

I'm gonna use this "more" stuff to talk about writing. Perhaps I'll even look into figuring out how to change the link. Of course, I also have to work on links, and on karma.


Have wasted another week. Read over Kicker so that I could put each scene on an index card, color-coded to reflect whose POV was being used. Since I couldn't get any pink index cards, Lotty got yellow.

Several things came out of this process. First, Lotty isn't the total bitch I thought she was. I like that. I want her to be sympathetic. Also, during a get together I realized that my story stretches from Nov to early Dec, but no mention is made of Thanksgiving. That's a pretty big thing to overlook.

When I put the timeline on a calendar (2001 was the one that worked), I was surprised. I had to work back from Pearl Harbor Day and the day of Charlene's wedding was Nov 4th! I thought the story covered about three weeks, but it's closer to five! There's a huge gap just because I have Charlene's dinner party written for a weekend.

Lots to fix for EdMo.

And O-17 got the second best rejection I've ever received! Ink! They (Literal Latte) said it was quirky and thanks! I think they'd like another piece, but I haven't done much short fiction lately.

Also, one of my earlier teachers sent me a flyer for a workshop she's hosting. She told me she'd love to work with me again, that I "have the distinct advantage of being a truly inspired, great writer." That would make me feel much better if she wasn't pimping herself out with an eye on my wallet.


cybele said...

I tried some vegetarian food that Avoderm makes for Beckett. It said it had a new and improved taste. But she didn't like it ... I ended up mixing it in with her regular food for weeks and she always picked it out and left it on the floor next to her bowl.

russ said...

Y'see, that's the thing. In the wild I'd guess that dogs will eat avocado, but they'll eat anything. I just think it might be kinda weird to subject a defenseless animal to the dietary whims of its owner.

I guess I'd give my pets the same choices I have, like you did, and let them choose for themselves what they want to eat.

cybele said...

Well, given the choice of anything, many dogs prefer cat poo - I suppose a really smart guy should start selling that!