I think I'll take a nap

I've developed a disturbing, but understandable, habit. I take long naps in the afternoon which make it difficult for me to fall asleep at night. I take these naps as a way of hiding, and that's the disturbing part. I find sleep life much more enjoyable than being awake, alive, and suffering through my thoughts.

I'd like to stop doing that, but it feels so nice to lay down and nap.

This napping is new to me, I've never done it before in life, and I think it's another pleasure that's destroying me.

I use to enjoy going to bed early and waking early.Then, I started taking a nap to increase my sleeping hours from six, and now this. Wonder if I can get back...if I want to.

Wrote more on the new Chapter with Lotty and Tonino. Still not done.


firefly said...

i sleep a good 8 hours, and then i look at the clock and then i suddenly feel tired and sleep some more. i sleep another two or three hours, and i have no idea why. maybe it's to sleep the day where i'm stuck here in the house alone until it's nearly time for someone else to be coming home.

here it is, 3 in the morning and i've been trying desperately for the last three days to get myself on a decent sleep schedule... and i'm still up. *sigh* i don't do the nap, but i do the insane amounts of sleep. makes me wonder if i shouldn't be on some kind of anti-depressants even though i'm not depressed.

russ said...

I think part of my problem might be that my bed is old and uncomfortable. Also, my dog lays on it all day, creating more holes.

Even when I sleep it seems I wake up every one to two hours just to rearrange myself.

lauren said...

i'm on a 4-5 hour a night cycle - stare at the ceiling until after midnight, wake up and stare at the ceiling again around 5. but i know a nap would only make it worse.

cybele said...

I've been taking some narcotics and sleeping pretty soundly - about 10 hours a night.

I've never been able to nap very well.