Decisions, decisions

Okay, I did a little a research and solved my e-mail problem. Yes, you can find just about everything on the Internet, including the occasional correct answer. Oddly, others were experiencing the same thing (a pacbell quirk) last year, but I only started seeing it a week ago. I think it has to do with their "upgrade" thing, which they keep hounding me about. For the record, their upgrade is nothing but adding marketing to an otherwise working configuration.

But that's not the point.

While playing around, I began using a variety of e-mail clients. Now I don't know which one to use as my permanent one. For years I'd used Eudora, but it lacks a linux version. Now I've narrowed down my choice to either Thunderbird, which I also played with in Windows, or Ximian Evolution. Evolution looks and acts like Outlook, which I used at work, and is quite attractive. Thunderbird, however, has great spam-handling capability. I haven't seen where Evolution learns on its own what is and isn't spam, something I think of as a pretty cool feature. Thunderbird does that, and more, but doesn't have the built-in tasks things, like Evolution and Outlook. But I already have a stand alone task thing, which I rarely use because it's much easier to assign myself tasks then it is to complete them. Seeing the list of things I have to do just depresses me.

I think, for the time being, I'll stick with the Mozilla suite. Their new browser (Firefox) rocks, even the Windows version!

Found this on the Internet: "At Helm's Deep, Aragorn commands the men to launch the first volley of arrows over the wall with the cry of "Fire!" The use of this word in relation to shooting did not occur until guns were invented, when a fire source such as a burning fuse was applied to powder and literally "fire" the weapon. Not knowing guns, Aragorn should use the traditional archers command "Loose!" instead."

Maybe I have more of a life than I thought. He's probably right, though.

Today I hope to complete that new chapter, with Lotty and Tonino in their hotel room following her acceptance of the ring girl job. Oh boy! Conflict! We've seen Lotty mad a few times, but this time she's totally justified. Her anger isn't the thing I want to bring out, though. I want to make her pain at losing her hopes for a relationship with Tonino real, to let the reader see her as vulnerable and hurt.


cybele said...

unrelated to this post ... have you ever noticed that all those folks who comment on your blog are women? ('cept you, of course)