
Gads! I haven't updated this in days. I also notice that everyone else responds to comments made on their blogs, and I should do that, too.

Speaking of...I got an email about my attitude, not a comment. In my defense, I am not crotchety and, as an example, I wish to go on record as saying that many things are much better than they were when I was growing up. I recently suffered a bug bite and, after letting the wound fester for a couple weeks, I received some sage advice to use an antibiotic on it. Cortizone was cheaper, so I bought some of that, which did nothing for the infection but it didn't itch.

Then I got some antibiotic (triple antibiotic, because everything is better nowadays). That's not the thing that's better than it was when I was growing up (I think Neosporin was prescribed back in those days and mom needed to get me lots), but adhesive bandages sure are! I bought the cheapest ones possible--they're clear--and they stick so much better than the Band-Aids of my youth. They're really making better bandages in the 21st century. I hope the ones with the planes and boats are better.

On other news, my future is so frightening and dismal that I've stopped thinking about it.


firefly said...

i like the cute decorated band-aids. i collected them when i was younger... insane. heh. and i survive with neosporin.

cybele said...

the big question is, has it helped? (now you get to answer a question on your comments)

russ said...

The bite no longer sticks out like a third nipple, so I take that as progress. Also, it no longer hurts. It's still visible, though.

I love those decorated band-aids! Never collected them, though (except on my skin)