Julio to the Rescue!

A few years back a trashed-out old white truck used to roam our neighborhood on Sundays, looking to pick up things. Julio was written on the driver's door, under a decal of a cowboy hat, and he'd stop and pick up things. I wasn't sure if he still came around since not as much stuff is put out anymore, not with the recycling efforts picking up steam.

Today he picked our old TV.

Yay for Julio!

(I'm just guessing it was Julio, but have to admit I'm using the name generically now, probably in violation of some copyright law).

Began an(other) new chapter for Kicker. It was suggested that Lotty lose out on one of her auditions, and I took that as a good excuse to see how she deals with rejection. Well, I'm not sure where I could shoehorn in another job opportunity for her, so I'm seeing how it fits if I write a chapter back when she's at the casino with Tonino.

She isn't losing a job, in fact just got the ring girl one, but she is losing her romance. We'll see how it goes.