Boring Stuff

Well, I'm back.

I'm sure you've all been dying to know what I've been up to. You haven't missed a thing.

What's concerning me now is Haiti. I don't like that we're urging an elected president to step down to appease a revolutionary mob. I thought we were on the side of democracy. I'm also a bit saddened that we're giving Haiti no more aid than we did Liberia, who also begged for our help. Iraq, which never asked for any help from us, got it in bucketfulls.

Iraq may have had oil, but Haiti is our source for baseballs!

And it looks as if the grocery strike will soon be over. Not sure if the people fighting to hold their jobs or the whiners won this one. As much as I hate to see the little guy it, I had no sympathy for the strikers. No employer of mine has given me free medical care in the last fifteen years. That shit is expensive, that's why the politicians are all over it. I've understood that, have admitted the necessity of co-pays, and have forked over my share of the insurance money for years. No, I didn't have to do that in the eighties, but this is the 21st century.

Anyway, I expect the markets again to be full of unwilling workers, which hasn't been the case lately.

Finally, this news would worry me if the ones talking about it didn't sound like such an offbeat organization. I just can't trust anyone, any more.

Having finished another book on self-editing, I looked at my manuscript with dread. I do nothing but "tell."

My writing isn't bad, but isn't what I hope for it to be, either, and I'm not sure I have the energy or desire, much less the drive, to be a writer.