Another Question Answered

I was always wondering about this. Now I know.

My Your Little Pony Name Is is Snowball.
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I feel so left out. I wonder who decided that the two parties in power have all the answers. I wonder why more people are predisposed to believing the next election will be rigged than prefer either candidate. I wonder why, instead of disagreeing, so many people actively despise the opposition party. It all seems a tad too Orwellian for me, "Why, I'm a Demoblican. Only Demoblicans are good. I must hate the Republicrats and believe everything bad about them."

Around five hundred million dollars is being spent to win the presidency. That's obscene. I think I hate politics. I know I hate the pandering snobs running the two parties.

So I resort to writing silly fiction. I've gotten positive feedback about my blimp idea. I came up with that as a way of giving my main char his fifteen mins of fame, long since passed. I don't know why, but I like the idea of a non-deserving has-been. It's one thing to wake up this morning and think "I'm Steven Spielberg" or "Mick Jagger," it's quite another to wake up and realize "I'm Kato Kaylin."

But this blimp idea so intrigues me that I may move up to the present. I'm not sure how it will work out with Sid receiving his fifteen minutes in the middle of the story, but it may prove worthwhile. I'll need to think about that. I hope Minardi (my dog) is resting up. He may need to go on a lot of long walks as I mull this over.


cherry delight said...

I think having the 15 minutes of fame provides lots of complicating actionn, which I'm told is a good thing to have somewhere in your story.

Course, it'd be a dramatic way to open too.

russ said...

Oh wow. I hadn't even thought of it as an opening...

The first thing I liked about it was having everyone meet him and say like "Are you the blimp guy" or "Your name sounds familiar"

Now I have it as an old thing, a current thing, or a starting point and only two days to decide.
